The Essential Supernatural: On the Road with Sam and Dean Winchester
Written by: Nicolas Knight & Eric Kripke
Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Titan Books (29 Nov 2012)
ISBN-10: 1781166838
ISBN-13: 978-1781166833
It’s easy to be dismissive of official tie-ins. Nine times out of ten they are fluff pieces that are designed solely to part loyal fans with their hard-earned cash. That couldn’t be further from the truth here thankfully as Nicolas Knight has created a book that’s as fun as it is lavish.
Long term fans won’t find surprises in terms of the text but the book works incredibly well as a scrapbook and companion piece for the adventures of the Winchester brothers. Supernatural is a show that was written off at the start by many commentators, but as it continued it evolved into a stunning and essential watch.
Series creator and former showrunner Eric Kripke has rightly received praise for his intricate scripts and long term vision that has seen Supernatural outlive many of its peers.
As the show ventures into season eight fans both old and new will find The Essential Supernatural to be …well, an essential read. It’s no more than the show deserves – that much is clear from the sheer level of meticulous care that went into the making of it.
Something that is more than merely chronicled here. Quite simply a must buy for anyone who’s a fan, and let’s face it that’s anyone who’s watched it.
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