2014 was most definitely the year of the Indie Writer. A new breed of self-published author is emerging; one who knows their market, employs professional editors, formatters and cover designers, and engages with their readers and fellow authors.
They also collaborate a lot, judging by the number of top-notch indie anthologies and fan fiction crossovers that have been released in the last year.
Now these authors are ramping it up a notch and have created their own branded universe for themselves and their fellow authors to play around in. Enter Apocalypse Weird.
The brainchild of popular authors Michael Bunker, Nick Cole and Tim Grahl, Apocalypse Weird is a vast sandbox world with multiple story arcs and characters, each author (currently fifteen signed up) staking their own claim and writing their own section within certain parameters. The story revolves around an apocalyptic event and has a supernatural twist. Think Walking Dead meets The Stand, and has a drunken brawl with Lost and you’ll have some idea of what’s in store.
Likening it to the Marvel universe for the book world, the creators have big plans and if the first book The Red King (available now as a primer for free at apocalypseweird.com) by Nick Cole is anything to go by this will be a fun ride indeed. Book two arrives in February.
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