Star Wars gets first new canon gay character

March 9th, 2015 by Marc Comments

book news banner copyLords of the Sith cover

It looks like the Star Wars universe will be diverse under Disney and we have to say we’re delighted to hear it…

Paul S Kemp’s upcoming Star Wars novel Lords of the Sith will feature a LGBT character called  Moff Mors: “an Imperial who has made some very serious mistakes but is an incredibly capable leader and spends much of the book working hard to prevent absolute failure. She also happens to be a lesbian.”

Del Rey Star Wars editor Shelly Shapiro told Young said: “This is certainly the first character in canon.

“But there was a gay Mandalorian couple, so it’s not brand new. It’s not something I really think about, it just makes sense. There’s a lot of diversity–there should be diversity in “Star Wars.” You have all these different species and it would be silly to not also recognize that there’s a lot of diversity in humans. If there’s any message at all, it’s simply that “Star Wars” is as diverse (or more so because they have alien species) as humanity is in real life and we don’t want to pretend it’s not. It just felt perfectly natural.”

There have been gay characters before, as Young says above, including the gay Mandalorian couple and a lesbian character in Knights of the Old Republic and undoubtedly we’re missing a couple. But under the new regime, this is the first newly official character to be  LGBT.

Star Wars: Lords of the Sith hits shelves on April 28th, 2015

Source: Star Wars Underworld

Marc is a self-confessed nerd. Ever since seeing Star Wars for the first time around 1979 he’s been an unapologetic fan of the Wars and still believes, with Clone Wars and now Underworld, we are yet to see the best Star Wars. He’s a dad of two who now doesn’t have the time (or money) to collect the amount of toys, comics, movies and books he once did, much to the relief of his long-suffering wife. In the real world he’s a graphic designer. He started Following the Nerd because he was tired of searching a million sites every day for all the best news that he loves and decided to create one place where you can go to get the whole lot. Secretly he longs to be sitting in the cockpit of his YT-1300 Corellian Transport ship with his co-pilot Chewie, roaming the universe, waiting for his next big adventure, but feels just at home watching cartoons with his kids….