When Superman screams… somebody’s about to get a beating!

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (29/04/2013)
April 29th, 2013 by Andrew CommentsStuart and Andy are back and this time they are reviewing, among others, the movie that topped the Avengers, Iron Man 3…

MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Onus and Splash Area
April 28th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsWe at FTN believe in supporting local talent and this week we’re getting the chance to review two movies from local writer and director George Clarke

MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Iron Man 3 (spoiler free)
April 24th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher 1 CommentWe can’t believe it’s here already, but it is… and we’ve seen it. Here’s our spoiler-free review of Iron Man 3.

MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Evil Dead
April 22nd, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsIt’s the most talked about movie of the year so far… but how does the remake/reboot/reimagining of the classic horror hold up? Stuart looks closer…

DVD REVIEW: FTN reviews Casino Of The Damned (Dead Man’s Hand)
April 22nd, 2013 by Marc CommentsA horror movie so awful it needs to be seen? Maybe… but maybe not

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (22/04/2013)
April 22nd, 2013 by Andrew CommentsMonday is here and so is your best guide to what’s hot and what’s not in the movie world… see nothing this week until you listen in

WATCH: Oliver retro-reviews Somewhere In Time
April 20th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsBetween playing the man of steel, Christopher Reeve indulged in a spot of time-travel in this almost forgotten classic sci-fi yarn…

WATCH: Oliver retro-reviews Innerspace
April 11th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsCould Innerspace be Joe Dante’s best movie? Oliver’s video review will help you decide…

MOVIE REVIEW: Andrew reviews Oblivion
April 11th, 2013 by Andrew CommentsWe take a look at Tom Cruise’s latest science-fiction movie written and directed by Joseph Kosinski (Tron Legacy). Is this the end?

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (08/04/2013)
April 8th, 2013 by Andrew CommentsIt’s Monday again and that can mean only one thing… The return of the Monday Movie Show! Everything you need to know about this week’s movie releases both at home and in cinemas

MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Thursday Till Sunday
April 5th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsWhen a family takes a road trip it isn’t long until they – and their relationship – starts feeling to stress of the journey…

WATCH: Oliver retro-reviews Soldier
April 3rd, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsIt’s apparently set in the same universe as Bladerunner, but is Soldier really that bad or is it just misunderstood? Oliver takes a closer look…

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (01/04/2013)
April 1st, 2013 by Andrew CommentsMonday again?! Thankfully we have Stuart and Andy with The Monday Movieshow Podcasts to get us through the worst day of the week First up DVD & Blu-ray: We take a look at the DVD/Blu-Ray top ten and review The Man with the Iron Fists, Silver Lining Playbook, Room 237, Mental, 6 Plots and The […]

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (25/03/2013)
March 25th, 2013 by Andrew CommentsFor all the latest news and reviews from the world of the movies then go no further than here…

MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews The Dark Knight Returns animated movie, parts 1 & 2
March 25th, 2013 by Michael Leonard CommentsWe never got around to writing up a proper review for this two parter, so our Michael thought he’d take the initiative.

WATCH: Oliver retro-reviews Starship Troopers
March 24th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsIn a world where giant bugs from space threaten mankind, only one man can save us… Paul Verhoeven!

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (18/03/2013)
March 18th, 2013 by Andrew CommentsIt’s Monday and the boys are back in town with the latest movie news and reviews. Watch nothing until you’ve listened in!

MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Red Dawn
March 15th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsIn a remake of the 80s thriller the Russians are now North Korean but the cheesy action is still the same… but does it work? Big Phil takes a look
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