Red Hood & the Outlaws Review
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Julius Gopez
Published by DC Comics
Some time seems to have passed between the ending of issue #23 and the start of this one. Roy and Kori are now imprisoned separately, while Jason, Bronze Tiger, and the rest continue to fight for the city. To this reader, this situation smells like a set-up.
This issue seemed to be kind of filler, if nothing else. Not to say it was pointless or anything, but not much happened. Yes, we had Ra’s showing up at the end, along with Cheshire doing…whatever it was she was doing with Roy. With the time between this issue and the last one, as mentioned, some things need to be explained. Why were Roy and Cheshire imprisoned exactly and where the heck was Kori being held?
Jason, meanwhile, is holding his own, and good on him for that. But I’m kind of over this mind-wipe thing. I’m hoping it’s either reversed or explained better soon. That in mind, the last page, while I felt it was kind of thrown in there, got my interest. It’s what makes me think something’s not quite kosher about this whole battle.
It always pains me to say, but I really didn’t like the art in this issue, at all. I’m not a big fan of the coloring, either. There’s not much else to this bit.
This issue kind of slowed down the story, and I’m kind of ready for this arc to be over. Though Ra’s showing up, especially with what he’s been doing lately in other books, definitely made things interesting.
3 out of 5 nerds
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