This August, the Marvel Universe fights for survival in the biggest battle it’s ever faced – and today, Marvel is proud to unveil your first look at New Avengers #9 – a tie in to Infinity! Thanos and his massive army are here and have launched an all-out attack against the Earth. With the Avengers off world declaring war on the ancient race known as The Builders, Reed Richards, Doctor Strange, Black Panther and the rest of the Illuminati are left to contend with the Mad Titan! From the blockbuster creative team of writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Mike Deodato, comes an absolute can’t miss tie-in to this summer’s hottest event!
“Thanos is searching for something on Earth and is now dispatching the Black Order to locate what he’s interested in,” notes editor Tom Brevoort of the Mad Titan and his newest lieutenants in an interview with “As we can see, the Illuminati were the last people to have the Infinity stones, so that is clearly of interest to Thanos, whether or not it’s what he’s ultimately after.”
Every issue of New Avengers #9 includes a code for a free digital copy of that same comic on the Marvel Comics app for iOS and Android devices. Additionally, each issue of New Avengers #9 features special augmented reality content available exclusive through the Marvel AR app – including cover recaps, behind the scenes features and more that add value to your reading experience at no additional cost.
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