Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Greg Capullo
Published by DC Comics
As Zero Year continues, we continue to see that the early days of Batman weren’t as…glamorous, let’s say, as his later years.
I’m just going to throw it out there, loved how Bruce was not really the focus of this one, but rather Gordon, Alfred and even Riddler. I’m glad we finally got a bit of a back story on Gordon, and I think it forces the reader to respect him a little more than they might have already. I hope Bruce paid attention! I kind of laughed at the moment where Bruce disappeared off the boat. Some things never change, eh?
I think Alfred is a superhero in himself – he has the ability to make you feel a whole lot of emotions real quick. I enjoy how quickly and easily he’s able to tell Bruce his concerns, though I’d like to slap Bruce for the amount of times he doesn’t listen; and then the Riddler. Who doesn’t love the Riddler!? I’m super stoked he’s finally reappeared in this story.
My only gripe might be that this issue was a bit wordy, and I sometimes got lost in the explanations. But that could just be me. It probably didn’t bother many other people.
Capullo and his team continue to knock it out of the park like nobody’s business. While I’m a very story-oriented reader, and while I love Snyder’s stuff, I have found myself looking more forward to what Capullo and his boys create on every page than the actual story. I mean, did you guys SEE the cover to this issue? Absolutely amazing!
So…Batman is effed, and Riddler thinks it’s great. Things can only get worse from here, but in a good way, because it’s Riddler, and Riddler’s the best.
4 out of 5 nerds
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