Writers: Tim Seeley (with Tom King as co-plotter)
Artist: Mikel Janin
Published by DC Comics
Dick Grayson starts a new life path. Is being a spy all its cracked up to be?
With Dick Grayson being one of my all-time favorite characters in the history of characters, I’ll admit I, like many others, was pretty skeptical coming into this idea. That said, this issue was…really solid. I really enjoyed it. Seeley really nailed Dick’s personality and how he operates, both as a hero and as a human being. While I’m still a little unsure of the plotline, this issue gave enough of what was going on to keep my interest, and make me pretty excited for the second issue.
As a big fan of comic book art, and as a female, I was VERY appreciative of Janin’s work throughout the issue. And not only did he create a pretty Dick Grayson, I really enjoyed his designs for Ninel Dubov and Helena as well. It was all just gorgeous. Though, I think a huge amount of credit should go to colorist Jeromy Cox as well, with the page of Dick using the Hypnos on Ninel coming to mind. Let’s be real, that was probably the greatest page of comics I’ve seen in a while, if only for that hilarious panel of Ninel’s perspective of the drug.
I’m very happy to say that this series has a lot of promise, and I think our favorite acrobat is in pretty great hands with this creative team.
4 out of 5 nerds
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