Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Julius Gopez
Published by DC Comics
Finally, some sort-of good news for our dear old Jason Todd! After getting just about everything thrown at him in recent issues, Jason finally gets a break, and a return of his memories.
Let’s be real, here. Who doesn’t like stories with the power of friendship? I really enjoyed Roy and Kory’s support for Jason, even when the chips were ridiculously low. Also really liked how Cheshire was slightly helpful to the Outlaws as well. Tynion really gets these characters and it shows. He’s really awesome at showing the personalities.
I’m still not a fan of Gopez’s style, but it wasn’t too distracting this time. Though, I could have been distracted by my enjoyment of the story. Nevertheless, it was there, and it wasn’t bad. Really digging the colors, like an incredible amount.
Two words: flaming swords. You gotta love when an issue ends with flaming swords. I feel this arc is nearing its endgame, and I have to admit: I’m pretty pumped for it.
4 out of 5 nerds
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