With Superman about to make his return to cinema this summer, people are wondering when Batman will, ahem, return. Is the Nolan-verse dead? Who will play him? Will Joseph Gordon-Levitt return? Will he appear on his own? In a cameo in Man of Steel or be held back for the Justice League movie? And who will line up to stop Superman in Man of Steel alongside Zod? Is Jimmy Olsen a girl? Stick around… we’re going to try to answer all these and more…
According to Batman-On-Film, who were a very reliable source for info on the Nolan movies before anyone else, Warners aren’t looking to reboot Batman as a standalone hero ala every other live-action Batman movie, but rather they are happy to hold the character back until the Justice League movie in 2015, meaning the next Batman movie could be as far away as 2017.
Meanwhile, after the end of The Dark Knight Rises, the rumour that Joseph Gordon-Levitt will return as Batman on film just won’t go away. Most notably that he will be in the upcoming Justice League movie and might even pop up in The Man Of Steel this summer,paving the way for said Justice League movie.
However, speaking to MTV, Gordon-Levitt has made it clear there’s not truth to these rumors (well, he would anyway – ed): “I hadn’t heard that one,” he said.
“It just goes to show how much you can believe rumours… I don’t think you should believe in any of them. If there’s something I’m going to be in, I’m going to tell you about it.”
It’s also still up in the air if it will be Henry Cavill’s Superman in Man of Steel that we’ll see in the Justice League movie either. With the rumour being that Warners are holding off to see how successful Man Of Steel is before building the Justice League of top of it. So, does this mean if Snyder’s movie isn’t a box office winner we’ll see another Superman in the League? Well, it seems so, yes…
Staying on the topic of Man Of Steel, the comic book community is up in arms over the rumoured sex change of a big character in the Superman mythos in the movie. Yes, Lois Lane will now be Lewis Lane, a bloke.
No, only kidding.
The rumours are that Jimmy Olsen, newsboy at The Daily Planet, will now be… Jenny Olsen!
Gasp! What can this be based on? Well, according to Yahoo!, the guys over at Comicbookmovie.com spotted that the IMDB is listing actress Rebecca Buller as Jenny Olsen, with no sign of a Jimmy anywhere. However, it should be pointed out that the IMDB isn’t always 100% accurate as it occasionally prints rumoured casting.
In other Man Of Steel news, aintitcool are reporting that squaring off against Superman will be, as we all know, Michael Shannon as Zod with Antje Traue as Faora , but now, thanks to the Lego stand at the London Toy Fair’s revealing of the movie tie-in sets, we know that Tor-An, who served as a member of the miltary guild under Zod, will be played by Richard Cetrone and Dev-Em, one of Zod’s criminal followers, will be played by Revard Dufresne. Both actors were in Sucker Punch, also directed by Man Of Steel’s Zack Snyder.
Aintitcool also revealed that the movie is looking like it will have an MPAA rating of PG-13 ‘For intense sequences of sci-fi violence, action and destruction, and for some language’.
Man Of Steel is due on June 13, 2013, Justice League and the new Batman movie are scheduled for 2015 and 2017 respectively
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