Agent Coulson will not be in Avengers: Age of Ultron

July 26th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

The death of Agent Phil Coulson came as a shock to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in The Avengers. It was not long lived however, luckily for fans, he’s getting resurrected in true comic book fashion for the upcoming TV series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. So of course fans began to speculate that Coulson might pop back up in the films one day, but it doesn’t appear the case, not yet anyway.

In an interview with the The Associated Press, writer/director Joss Whedon says that Coulson is not present in his current draft of the sequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron. When asked if he could possibly return for the film:

“He could. Right now it’s not something I’m pursuing because I have so much going on in ‘Avengers 2.’ Finding out that Coulson is alive would be an entire B story. And I already have too much movie. That’s better than the other thing.”

Whedon elaborated further on why this is the case when speaking about Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury appearing in the upcoming TV series: 

“But we also have the movies and we have TV and we need to make sure there’s some crossover, but not so much that people go, ‘Well, I don’t need to see that movie. I saw it on TV.’ If we do that (Marvel Studios President) Kevin Feige is going to come after me with a pitchfork.”

So if you want to see Agent Coulson, you’re going to have to watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which premieres on ABC on Tuesday, September 24 at 8 p.m.

Avengers: Age of Ultron will open in theaters on May 1, 2015.


I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.