Writer: James Tynion IV
Artists: Julius Gopez & Noel Rodriguez
Published by DC Comics
After what seems like forever, the conclusion of this storyline is here! With Jason’s memories returned, he’ll have no problem fighting Ra’s al Ghul…right?
The theme of ‘strength within’ seems to be pretty prevalent throughout this tale, and it is much appreciated, at least by this reader. I’m glad that’s Jason finally has that ‘enough is enough’ vibe about him now. It’s been sorely missed. As much as I enjoy the team-feelings we get in this title, I liked that Roy and Kori more or less took a back seat in this one, since it was Jason’s time to shine.
There were split artists on this one, and both of them did fine, though the change was quite obvious. Rodriguez’s stuff was great for the flashback, in their whimsical-looking nature. As much as Gopez’s work isn’t really for me, I must say, I really enjoyed his page of Talia’s ghost coming up behind Ra’s. It was absolutely gorgeous, from pencils to colors.
It was a solid ending to a storyline that seemed to drag at times. And I couldn’t agree more with Jason, when he said he’s had enough of magic for a while. In the words of Roy, “Oh, thank god!”
3.5 out of 5 nerds
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