The upcoming animated series, based on the comic and movie Guardians of the Galaxy, has got it’s Groot.
Kevin Michael Richardson, who you may know as Shredder, Trigon, Panthro, and many innumerous other roles in cartoons, has been cast as the tree-like being of the team. The show is set to arrive sometime this year.
Oh, and in case you aren’t sure he can do the part…
UPDATE!!!: Disney has revealed that Will Friedle, who has played everything from Terry McGinnis in Batman Beyond, to Bumblebee, Deadpool, and of course Eric from Boy Meets World, has been cast as Star-Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series. Check out the reveal video below!;
And now the Destroyer has been revealed! David Sobolov, who ironically has voiced Drax in the recent Marvel cartoons in which the character appeared, will voice Drax.
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