A big rumour has started to gather some speed(force?) in the last few hours as word is that Warner Bros are developing a Justice League sequel. Well, sort of.
Word is the new movie will not have any connection to the 2018 movie – soon to be given new life on HBO Max as the Zack Snyder Cut – and as of now its still unclear who will feature in the movie or, indeed, the JL’s roster.
The new movie is apparently to be called Justice League: Rebirth which may be a nod to the DC Rebirth series that rewrote DC’s previous history and gave the world the New 52 which essentially rebooted the whole universe. Also interesting is that the Rebirth story took place after Flashpoint which saw Barry Allen changing the history of the DC universe to disasterous effect.
Which, if you’ve been keeping up with the recent news, is what DC may be set to do next with the Flash movie looking like it will be a take on the Flashpoint story and will open up the DCEU for multiverses, alternate histories and lord knows what else:
Given what we’re hearing about AT&T and Warners’ plans for the DC Movies this wouldn’t surprise me… but I would take this with a large grain of salt for now.
However, I have suspected for a while that DC/Warners have wanted to bring Robert Pattinson’s Batman into the main universe now that Affleck – even if he does return for a HBO Max series or movie (here) – will likely never be part of the main universe movie again.
Anyway, what say you all?
Do you think we could see a new Justice League movie in the near future? If so, do you think we’d see Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Henry Cavill or Jason Momoa will star? Let me know your thoughts, gang.
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