Oh, man.
So, remember the whole debacle over the Joker standalone movie that, rumour was, wouldn’t star current DC Cinematic Joker, Jared Leto (here)?
Remember the story was that the DC movies, moving forward, may not necessarily all take place in the same universe (here) even though DC’s creative advisor Geoff Johns said it would (here)?
Well, given Batman/Bruce Wayne actor Ben Affleck has once again cast doubt over his future in the role (here), we are once again considering what this all means and two new pieces of news have us forming a new theory.
So, in a new interview, Warner Bros’ movie division president Toby Emmerich has said that he hopes to announce a director for The Flash movie soon, in fact he called it ‘a priority’. The movie, as we already know will be based on the Flashpoint story from the comics wherein Flash alters the past and, as a result, the entire DC universe gets rewritten/reset: “In Justice League Ezra Miller’s Flash, who is young, socially awkward and hides his fear through humor, is viewed at Warner as the movie’s breakout character,” said Emmerich.
All good to know… however, Emmerich also said this: “We don’t want to limit the creativity filmmakers can bring to the table by saying these characters have to come in a particular order and all fit into the same universe.”
The Wall Street Journal also quotes a source as saying that 2018 is ‘reset year’ at Warners/DC.
So, here’s what we think… we know that the DC Universe, both in comics and on screen, is split into many, many universes; for example we have the TV universe were the Arrow-verse exists but not in the same universe as Gotham or Lucifer. These universes are set outside the movies which are set outside the many universes set within the comics and animated movies.
However, until this point we assumed that the cinematic universe was all one universe and, so far, it has been… but, drawing on a theory we reported on a long time ago (here), we suspect that the events of Flashpoint will see Affleck replaced in the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman as the universe resets… adding to this, we reckon it may also see the universe fractured in such a way that will allow the film-makers to make movies that, while many will be, don’t necessarily need to connect to each other.
Remember the only DC movie scheduled for next year is Aquaman, with Batgirl, Shazam!, Suicide Squad 2, The Batman, Green Lantern Corps all set further down the line, so could they be using 2018 to get Flashpoint up and running and creating a new strategy moving forward? Yeah, we suspect so…
What say you all? Is this getting too confusing? Let us know…
Emmerich told the Wall Street Journal.
Justice League is due out in theaters November 17.
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