With the still massive secrecy of Star Wars Episode VII, it’s a rare gift to be given anything on episode VIII. However according to The Wrap, Benicio del Toro has been offered the role as the film’s villain.
Benicio is likely known by Sci-Fi fans for his role as The Collector in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in particular his appearance in The Guardians of the Galaxy. Therefore, fitting into a sci-fi film should not be new to him. However, his real skill comes with his eccentric yet sinister acting style. I always found there to be a dark tone with The Collector, some sinister reasoning as to why he did what he did. This darkened tone is seen in many of Benicio’s films. The Wrap explains how Benicio’s style would help continue the current vision of the new Star Wars, as created by J.J. Abrams with Episode VII.
The Wrap did go on to note however that DelToro has indicated he may not return to the next Guardians film. As long as he stays in the Cinematic Universe and does appear once again I’ll be happy. I expect we’ll see him before Infinity War; he does still have one of the Infinity Stones after all.
If his Star Wars character is anything like that, or far darker, then it will be one very interesting character to see. It also makes me question how dark the Star Wars Universe is set to become.
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