Fourth Riddick movie, Furya, set to film this August

May 6th, 2024 by Marc Comments

It’s finally been given the green light! Richard B Riddick is returning for a fourth – fifth, I count Dark Fury and you should too!

Cameras will start rolling on Riddick: Furya on August 26th this year, and picks up from 2013’s Riddick and will see star Vin Diesel return as the antihero Riddick once again under the watchful eye of writer/director David Twohy who penned and directed all Riddick’s movies so far and is the creator of the character, not bad since Riddick was originally supposed to die at the end of 2000’s Pitch Black.

The first synopsis, below, has the character of Riddick finally finding his homeworld of Furya:

Riddick finally returns to his homeworld, a place he barely remembers and one he fears might be left in ruins. But there he finds other Furyans fighting for their existence against a new monster. And some of these Furyans are more like Riddick than he could have ever imagined…

Look, I cannot lie, I honestly think the Riddick series, while flawed, is one that has a rich universe and a mythology that’s as insane as it is fun, so I will  always be excited for more of these movies and hope it’s accompanied by new games, comics etc.

What about you guys? Let me know…

Vin Diesel promises fourth Riddick movie ‘closer than you think’

Marc is a self-confessed nerd. Ever since seeing Star Wars for the first time around 1979 he’s been an unapologetic fan of the Wars and still believes, with Clone Wars and now Underworld, we are yet to see the best Star Wars. He’s a dad of two who now doesn’t have the time (or money) to collect the amount of toys, comics, movies and books he once did, much to the relief of his long-suffering wife. In the real world he’s a graphic designer. He started Following the Nerd because he was tired of searching a million sites every day for all the best news that he loves and decided to create one place where you can go to get the whole lot. Secretly he longs to be sitting in the cockpit of his YT-1300 Corellian Transport ship with his co-pilot Chewie, roaming the universe, waiting for his next big adventure, but feels just at home watching cartoons with his kids….