Well, we’re (finally) getting a spin-off in the Scream franchise and, although we have very few details right now, we do know a couple of things and both have us excited.
So, the latest issue of Production Weekly has noted (below) that fan favorite character Kirby Reed, played by Hayden Panettiere in Scream IV and then again in Scream VI where she returned no longer as a victim of the Ghostface killer but rather as an FBI agent determined to find and stop him, will be the star of the new movie which will be produced by Scream creator and writer – and director of the upcoming Scream VII – Kevin Williamson and his production company Outerbanks
Hayden Panettiere as Kirby Reed. Kevin Williamson is attached as the producer along with his production company Outerbanks Entertainment.
See the post here:
It’s very cool that Kirby will be being getting the spotlight in this movie as she’s been a fan favourite ever since Scream IV in which she was left for dead after Ghostface knifed her before, 12 years later, fans finally learned that no only did she survice, she dedicated her life to stopping killers like Ghostface.
I can’t help feeling that the new movie will see Reed investigating a murder but would doubt it’ll feature Ghostface as, well, it would just be another Scream movie then; might we see Kirby’s rise through the FBI and how she became the character we met again in Scream VII? A sequel/prequel perhaps?
Of course, we’re hearing that Scream, as a franchise, is only at the beginning with new movies, spinoffs, TV shows and more all being discussed… but we still love that it all begins with Kirby Reed.
Whatever it is, Williamson and Panettiere’s involvement has the Scream fans at FTN Towers pretty damned excited. What about you guys?
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