So we know that Oscar Isaac is playing Poe Dameron, an X-Wing pilot, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and we know that, at one point in the movie, he gets a black X-Wing fighter but that’s really all we know so far.
MakingStarWars reckon they have a very cool bit of information about the name of Dameron’s squad’s name.
We know there’s a Red and a Blue Squadron in the movie and Dameron seems to be part of blue at one stage (see above) but it seems that he will become the leader of his own squadron in the movie and it will be called…
Black Squadron.
“By the end battle, however, Poe Dameron is leading Black Squadron. Makes sense when you have a sexy black X-wing fighter. Black Squadron sounds pretty badass!” The site writes.
But here’s the nub, Black Squadron already exists in Star Wars. Remember the Tie-fighters that fought the rebels above the surface of the Death Star in the battle of Yavin in A New Hope? Well, they were Vader’s squadron and they too were called Black Squadron.
Will this have some significance? We doubt it, but it is interesting…
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