Following on from the story a couple of weeks back that Kathleen Kennedy’s time at Disney/Lucasfilm may be close to ending, with her legacy being left possibly in an alternate reality and no longer canon (read the article, it makes more sense than you’d think), tonight we have a follow-up article to add more juice to the story.
A new rumour seems to indicate that Kennedy will be standing down as the boss at Lucasfilm, to be replaced by… George Lucas?!
According to the new rumour “Disney and Kathleen Kennedy have come to arrangement and Kathleen Kennedy will soon be departing from Lucasfilm”.
It goes on: “Indeed, in practical terms she is already effectively out.”
Doomcock, who gives us the story elaborates on where Kennedy might go next and, we have to admit, it makes sense: “I have been informed by another source that Kathleen Kennedy is in talks with Bad Robot.”
Given Kennedy’s relationship with Bad Robot’s JJ Abrams, this would make sense… it also means she could be involved in the upcoming Justice League Dark series on HBO (here)!
However, there has been speculation for a ling time that Kennedy was set to leave – the BIG news in this rumour is that the house of mouse wants uncle George back.
Yes, apparently they have been asking him for weeks and he has been completely non-committal but now the landscape has changed.
Well, allow us to speculate… there has been an abundance of rumours and reports that Lucas has been very unhappy with the final two chapters in the Skywalker saga – with it being said he was downright furious about what Rian Johnson did in The Last Jedi; but more recently we have seen him on set of The Mandalorian with Jon Favreau:
Adding to this the rumours that there are factions in Disney/Lucasfilm now – some pro-Lucas, led by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni who are making truly great Star Wars with The Mandalorian and Clone Wars and others pro-Kennedy – is it possible that Lucas has got his Star Wars mojo back and wants to save his franchise from what it is becoming under Kennedy’s watch?
Well, it the rumour is true, then yes: “Allegedly, George Lucas said ‘If I were to return I have four conditions that would have to be met.
“Condition 1: I get to make my sequel trilogy.
“Condition 2: I have full creative power until I decide to hand it off.
“Condition 3: Kathleen Kennedy is gone and
“Condition 4: Disney agrees to never ever mess with the original trilogy leaving it untouched.’”
He added: “Reportedly, Lucas closed out the communication with, ‘None of this is negotiable.’”
Now, I don’t see this as something Uncle George would say BUT it would make sense.
The report goes on: “My sources were told that the response to George’s ultimatum was, ‘So when do you start?’”
So how would it work? Well: “I am informed the current proposal is George Lucas would be the head of Lucasfilm. Jon Favreau would be put in charge of developing original content for Disney Plus. While a third, as yet unnamed person, would be put in charge of movie production at Lucasfilm.”
However, Doomcock continues that another source says he doubts Lucas would want to take on so much at this stage in the game, but that he “might consult, might even write scripts for these new endeavors, but wouldn’t want to be personally involved”.
So, what say you all? Would you welcome Lucas back at this stage? Do you think it might even happen? I want to hear your thoughts, gang…
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