So Jai Courtney was so keen to work on Suicide Squad that he agreed without reading the script…
The actor told Spotlight Report that he almost regretted it when he heard that his character was called captain Boomerang. Oops.
“I’m working with some wonderful actors and David Ayer’s someone who was the real draw card for me. I hadn’t read a script at all when I signed on. We’d met on a couple of occasions and we’d spoken. And, to be honest, when he told me that the role of Captain Boomerang was what he was thinking, I kind of cringed. Cause I wasn’t a comic book kid. I wasn’t familiar with the DC universe and the history of that’. So I knew nothing about it. And I was, like, ‘Oh, god, Captain Boomerang…Really?…I really don’t know how Australians will react to this.’
“But he’s [Ayer] the perfect guy to have on your side, because you look at some of the comic books and some of the old sixties stuff is so hammy, you know, and kind of camp. But, get a guy like David Ayer at the helm of a thing like this and it really gets kind of dark and gritty, and, you know, awesome. And he’s a stickler for authenticity. So I think what we’re going to create is going to be really, really cool.”
It will be interesting to see if Captain Boomerang is called that in the movie… what do you guys reckon? Will he be? We reckon yes…
Suicide Squad stars Will Smith as Deadshot, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag, Jared Leto as The Joker, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress and Viola Davis as Amanda Waller. It arrives in theatres August 5th, 2016
Source: Batman News
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