S0, we’ve speculated several times, that it’s only a matter of time before Venom, played by Tom Hardy in the Sony Marvel movies, meets Tom Holland’s Spider-man in the MCU and, well, it seems that Marvel bossman, Kevin Feige agrees.
In a recent interview, the man responsible for knitting the MCU together was asked if the two mortal enemies (in the comics) could ever meet in the movies and his reply as pretty optimistic.
“I don’t want to obviously talk about rumors or speculation on what could happen and what couldn’t happen as it relates to any characters that Marvel Studios hasn’t brought to the screen yet,” he said.
“But I will say what I’ve always said, which is having been with Marvel for 20 years, I wouldn’t dismiss anything. I wouldn’t rule anything out completely. When and how and where remains to be seen. Any rumor that you read online could happen anytime between tomorrow and never.”
Now, we already know that Spider-man is going to be connected to the Sony movies by the time Morbius rolls around (here), after Michael Keaton’s Vulture popped up in that movie’s trailer, so the connection is likely already there… it’s just a matter of when.
That being said, even if it turned out that the movies weren’t related, the recent exploding of the Multiverse on Loki, would be an easy and obvious way to make this happen.
What say you all? Would you like to see Spidey and Venom lock horns? Or is that as stupid a question as it seems?
Source: RT
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