This Tuesday was originally meant to be the day the Age of Ultron trailer for Avengers 2 was released. But it got leaked (go internet!), and now the world is abuzz with Marvel movie talk.
But now, this Tuesday might be famous for another reason, as Marvel has called for an event to take place on that day. And the theme of the event is being kept secret. relays that Marvel’s event will take place in the El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles, California. Add to the fun/speculation that both the press AND fans have been invited. Also, the event is scheduled to take an hour. That’s a lot of time to kill if you were just going to show the Age of Ultron trailer and chat about it afterward. Especially since it’s still going to be aired during Agents of Shield.
The main theory going is that Marvel is set to reveal their upcoming movie slate, not unlike what DC did a little while back. This would be adequate timing, as it would build off of the hype for Avengers 2. Until then though, all we can do is guess.
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