Naruto creator working on live-action adaptation with Lionsgate

January 8th, 2017 by Irwin Fletcher Comments


Naruto fans rejoice… there’s a live-action adaptation in the works and the team behind it should have you confident it’ll be done well.

Animes and Mangas’ place in Hollywood and the western mainstream has been sketchy over the years. Studio Ghibli is of course the most likely recognised and well known of the cinematic anime creators. Their films have ranged from action, fantasy, drama and comedy yet these all kept the animated style that is rarely seen on our screens anymore. Spirited Away was the first main blockbuster that kit the screens of Hollywood back in 2001, with Howl’s Moving Castle being another back in 2004.

With their success it has undoubtedly meant that Hollywood itself wants to have a go and making money. Unfortunately with Hollywood’s prejudice of animated films these adaptations have been made live action. To be blunt, the live action element has meant that these films have failed in comparison. We can all remember the woeful Dragonball: Evolution and the disappointing Speed Racer. Lets also not forget the film adaptation of the American Anime series Avatar: The Last Airbender *shudder*.

So when I say that I’m not looking forward to a live action Naruto film you can understand where I’m coming from.

The only solace is that Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto has recently joined with Lionsgate in the creation of the film. His influence in the production will hopefully make the film a great success.

Filmmaker Micheal Gracy (The Greatest Showman – currently filming) has also been attached to the film, although his role hasn’t been officially confirmed its likely he will direct the film.

The next major Anime/Manga to film adaptation is Ghost in the Shell, which will be released on 31st March this year.

Source: Anime News Network

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.