Oblivion – Stream the score by Anthony Gonzalez, Joseph Trapanese & M83

April 5th, 2013 by Andrew Comments

If you’re as excited as we are about Tron Legacy director Joseph Kosinski’s upcoming science-fiction epic Oblivion, you’ll be glad to learn that Back Lot Music have made the entire score album available to stream online. The score by composers Anthony Gonzalez (Red Riding Hood), Joseph Trapanese (Tron: Uprising) & band M83 contains 16 pieces of original score music written for the movie and a 17th track by M83 featuring Susanne Sundfor . Oblivion is released in the U.K. on 10th April, which is a week ahead of it’s U.S. release.

All 17 tracks of the score can be found via this link on social networking website Mashable and the Soundcloud player.


Co-host of the Monday Movie Show, Andrew is a huge movie fan who is into all sorts of things movie related, as well as a fan of all things nerd. In his spare time he likes to work at script writing, that is when he's not spending it on something movie or nerd related! www.followingthenerd.com