With all the talk since the Hackers started attacking Sony of Spider-man coming back to Marvel (here) there has been a lot of people saying that, should the deal happen the current Spidey, Andrew Garfield, will be out.
Now, while I can’t speak for every one of us, I know that we at FTN have has issues with the last two movies, but the issues certainly we’re with Garfield, so we are definitely in support of this.
We don’t know how much – if any – good this will do, but it’s nice to say we tried, right?
With all the recent news lately about the Sony hacks and leaks about Spider Man the company itself and the news that if Marvel were to get Spidey back, they would completely reboot the character. Alot of us have to grown to love and appreciate Andrew Garfield as the web head. He’s a been a Spider Man fan his whole life and he’s been handled incorrectly by Sony and he said himself that he would love to be in an Avengers movie and why not? He such a great Peter Parker and Spider Man and he derseves to be in one and alot of us would be very disappointed to see him kicked out and replaced after just two movies. So please sign this petition and spread it to your friends and on social media. The more the better. #NoAndrewNoSpiderman #AndrewGarfieldinCivilWar #SupportAndrew @SpiderManMovie @Marvel @SevenWebHeads
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