OK, we’re really reporting this for the point of fun and conversation; we seriously doubt this will happen but what the heck, right?
The chaps at Latino review and Collider are reporting that DC/Warners will be making a BIG announcement at SDCC this year in the form of the full Justice League line-up of Henry Cavill as Superman, Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Godot as Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash and Ray Fisher as Cyborg and… two Green Lanterns.
Now, what they are reporting is that Warners are keen to have Lantern back in a big way and that they plan to not just have a standalone movie revolving around Hal Jordan or John Stewart but rather both together: “Apparently, some story-world approved reason why they both exist will be explained, like having Stewart be the backup Lantern while Jordan’s on the JLA or having them be Lanterns from different sectors.”
Ok, so let’s go with it… who will thise Lanterns be? Well, Latino Review in particular are suggesting that the rumours of Chris Pine being cast as Wonder Woman’s love interest (here) is a ruse and he is in fact Hal Jordan (previously played by Ryan Reynolds) and as for John Stewart, well, based on the rumours a while back (here) they reckon that, with Fast & Furious being a truly lucrative franchise now, Tyrese Gibson has the star power they really want.
They suggest that this is why Marvel aren’t appearing a the famous Hall H at SDCC this year – although we reckon that’s just fan-baiting.
And to close it all off, they also are reporting that “the Ben Affleck project… is still a go, aiming for November 2018 now,” and it will be penned by Argo writer Chris Terrio, will be called The Batman and will be directed by Ben Affleck himself.
We are on uneven ground here because some of this makes sense, some sounds mad and some sounds like real fan-boy pleasing. It’s just working out what is what…
Let us know what you think, guys.
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