Deadpool and Wolverine’s Shawn Levy’s Star Wars movie might be about to add one of the world’s last, true movie stars.
Yes, it seems that Barbie and Blade Runner 2049 star Ryan Gosling is a big Star Wars fan and is expressing interest in heading to that galaxy far, far away and, not only that, but Gosling’s interest in Levy’s Star Wars project means that the project is getting expedited by Levy and Disney and, if the deal is done, the movie could go in front of cameras this year!
Levy has been developing the movie for a while now and it seems that Gosling’s negotiations started fairly late on but his star power – especially after playing Ken in Barbie – means they want to get the deal done and the project rolling.
If the movie does go into production this year, it means that it will likely be the next big-screen Star Wars movie to be released after Jon Favreau’s Mandalorian and Grogu movie due in 2026.
There are no details known about Levy’s movie yet but it’s believed to be a standalone Star Wars movie, disconnected from the Skywalker saga and any other movies, the timeline and where it takes place in the Star Wars galaxy is also unknown.
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Gosling, if he joins, is one of a select few already established stars to join the Star Wars universe with Liam Neeson in 1999’s Episode I: The Phantom Menace being the only other big Hollywood name to take the jump to hyperspace.
I’m a big, big fan of Gosling and having him play a Han solo-esque character would be very welcome… Dash Rendar perhaps? Or Talon Karrde, perhaps?
Anyways, I’ll be watching this with great interest.
Thoughts? I know you have them…
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Source: THR
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