We reported last night that an announcement was coming about a Spawn movie reboot… and here it is!
Taking to the stage with SDCC host Kevin Smith, creator Todd McFarlane broke the news to the world and, man, has a new Spawn reboot been a long time coming!
The movie will be produced by Bklumhouse, the company behind Get Out and Split, so they are big on glancing into the horror side of things, especially in comic books, given Split’s connection to Unbreakable.
McFarlane said he’ll be directing the movie himself: “I wouldn’t ask to be a newbie director on a script that was going to have an $80 million budget for it. Why? Because as the CEO of my own corporations, I wouldn’t take that deal. I wouldn’t stick out $80 million and go, ‘we’re going to give it to a rookie, and he’s going to basically be in charge of it.’”
And, that’s all we have.
No further news regarding cast, release, but hey, Spawn may be set for the movie he truly deserved and, for now, that’s good enough.
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