Now this is some news we can get excited for… director Matthew Vaughn has revealed new details on the future of Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass and Kingsman universes and, well, oh my.
The director, whose studio Marvel’s was behind such little gems as Eddie The Eagle, has revealed that his new studio will be call Marv Studios and he has BIG Kick-Ass plans.
Vaughn said that a Kick-Ass and Hit-girl reboot is coming and that it will be very different: “We’re going to reboot Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl. Look what Mark Millar is doing with the comic for clues.”
In the comics Kick-Ass is now an African-American single mother called Patience Lee (continues after pic):
On top of this, a Hit-Girl movie is at discussion stages with it either being an older version of the character (AKA Mindy Macready) or a version focusing on her younger years. Fans will recall that Chloe Grace Moretz played Hit-Girl in the first two Kick-Ass movies and was simply superb in the role… lord knows how they’ll get an actress to replace her!
On top of these (can we say shared universe), Vaughn will also be working on the Kingsman franchise, with a third movie moving ahead which, according to Vaughn will be “the conclusion of the Harry Hart-Eggsy relationship”. (Continues after pic)
There will also be potentially two spin-offs with a 1900s based Kingsman: The Great Game and another movie based on the American branch set up in the second movie called Statesman.
On top of that… an eight-hour Kingsman TV series is on its way.
So we really hope you haven’t had too much Kick-Ass or Kingsman, because there’s a lot of it still coming.
Which is fine with us.
Source: Empire
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