Thor: Love and Thunder, so far the only movie in the MCU to get a fourth installment (with all the Spider-Men coming close), and it’s happening with two Thors.
There’s been a lot of news coming out that Natalie Portman will be portraying Mighty Thor, and a lot of the fans are upset that this means we won’t see the thunder from down under, Chris Hemsworth, retain his role. This is just simply not true so you can all sit back and relax a bit.
Yes, Natalie Portman will be Mighty Thor, but Hemsworth will still remain the OG and will be the main character.
This has been confirmed by Taika Waititi in an interview where he’s addressed these concerns: “It’s Chris. It’s a Thor film. He is Thor, it’s a Thor film. She’s in it.”
So with Hemsworth still wielding the power of Thor, how is it that Portman can be a Thor too?
Well, my thinking on the matter is that Thor is just a title, similar to a Duke or a Lord and these titles can be removed, as we saw in the first movie when he was stripped of his name and titles. If this is the case and he just becomes Odinson with Stormbreaker, then Portman can wield the Hammer and become Mighty Thor.
Now, even so, why bring Portman back?
She was missing from Ragnarok and during Endgame we learned that she and Thor had broken up, so why the sudden change to bring her back? Well, Natalie did a bit of clarifying in an interview with Entertainment Tonight: “Obviously, I wasn’t written into Thor: Ragnarok because of where it took place, It wasn’t really on Earth and my character is on Earth.”
You can’t really get more simple than that, can you?
On top of that, back in 2016 Natalie did another interview with the Wall Street Journal in which she talked about being done with the Marvel Movies: “As far as I know, I’m done. I don’t know if maybe one day they’ll ask for Avengers 7 or whatever. I have no idea.”
What capacity will she be in for Love and Thunder? Will Hemsworth still be the big Lethorski? And with a scheduled release in 2021, what does that mean for the Guardians of the Galaxy which doesn’t come out till 2022?
I mean are they just going to ignore that Thor went off with them or will we also get the Guardians in it too, and if so, could the Love part be referring to Star Lord and Gamora?
There’s still so many questions that need answering and unfortunately, with another two years to wait, it may still be a while before we get some real answers as to what’s going on.
Stay tuned for more details and stay nerdy folks.
Sources: Cinemablend and Newsarama
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