Everyone seems to love the Lego games and last week nerds everywhere rejoiced when it was announced that we would be getting a Lego adaptation to The Force Awakens!
Game Informer has already covered the upcoming game in-depth and you can see what they have to say about it in the videos in this article. The first video features an interview with lead story designer Graham Goring and cutscene director Phil Gray about the classic Lego sense of humor and how they’ll cover some of the emotionally-dark scenes that we saw in The Force Awakens.
The second video doesn’t appear to be available for embedding, but you can see it on Game Informer’s website right here.
This one features an interview with the game’s head of animation Matt Palmer and he discusses the differences of animating the each of the characters in the game.
Are you guys excited for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks to The Star Wars Underworld and Game Informer for the scoop!
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