Ok, pinch of salt time but we feel we should report it… just in case.
So, in case you don’t know, Grace Randolph is a movie reviewer/commentator on youtube who, sometimes, gets things right, which is why we’re reporting this.
Now, for the record, we think Wonder Woman 1984 moved from next November to June 2020 to declutter DC/Warner’s 2019 schedule and to give the movie a better summer release date (details here) but Grace is reporting it’s part of a bigger deal.
According to the youtuber it is because Warners/DC are planning on rebooting the DC cinematic universe with Wonder Woman. So, remember we reported that once again doubt has been cast over Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck’s future as Superman and Batman respectively?
Well, Grace reports that in Wonder Woman 1984 Diana/Wonder Woman will save Steve Trevor’s life (the returning Chris Pine) in the movie, upsetting the balance of things and causing a ripple across the universe that will lead to, em, Batman and Superman looking different.
Yes, according to this, Wonder Woman 1984 will be a soft reboot and sort of Flashpoint.
She also reports that Gadot will be safe as Wonder Woman as so will Margot Robbie as Harley in Birds of Prey etc and likely too so will Jason Momoa as Aquaman.
Honestly, we don’t know what’s going on anymore.
What do you all think?
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