Clones. They’re easily replaced, millions of them are grown on Kamino every day. At least that was the attitude of some of the Jedi during the Clone War.
Posts Tagged ‘clone wars’

GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW: FTN reviews Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows
July 18th, 2014 by Dave Bowling Comments
EVENT NEWS: Get ready for Invasion: Dublin 2014 this May 3rd, 4th and 5th
April 18th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsIt’s back! The Empire, once again, aims to take over Dublin and crush those rebel scum! So make sure you sign up and come and support the rebels…

TV REVIEW: Clone Wars: The Lost Missions Order 66 arc
March 14th, 2014 by Marc CommentsThe Clone Wars Lost Missions was a long time coming and promised to delve into some of the biggest mysteries of the Star Wars universe…

Netflix will distribute Clone Wars Season 6 episodes in US – plus WATCH new clip
February 13th, 2014 by Marc CommentsThe new episodes are coming very soon (yay!) for Netflix fans only (boooooo!)

Rumour: Ending of Clone Wars series revealed? Plus, the Sith homeworld is… where?
February 1st, 2014 by Marc CommentsIt’ll be sad to see the end of Clone Wars but it certainly sounds like it will be worth the wait as epic things still lie ahead…

The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep 86 “Stop stealing the blanket. You’re an Arctic Wolf, for God’s sake.”
January 13th, 2014 by Marc CommentsOn this week’s show we have a real treat for Due South fans as we chat with John Wright, organiser of the biggest Due South convention. Plus Stuart from the Monday Movie Show will be in talking about the EEB BAFTA nominations.

Darth Maul’s Clone Wars story arc gets a finale through comics
January 8th, 2014 by Marc CommentsDarth Maul’s Clone Wars story arc gets a finale through comics? Yes, it seems that fans of the Clone Wars animated series can breathe a sigh of relief as the biggest unfinished story arc in the series – that of Darth Maul’s return – will be finished, albeit on the printed page

Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep85 “You just summoned a succubus from Hell!”
January 5th, 2014 by Marc CommentsWow, the first show of 2014! and we have a busy review of 2013 for you guys!
Marc and Stephen look back over what made our year, what we loved and what we didn’t.

NOW CLOSED WIN: A LEGO AT-TE for Christmas… Ho Ho Ho
December 15th, 2013 by Marc CommentsHave we got a Christmas present for one lucky FTN reader…

Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep 81 – “Not all those who wander are lost.”
December 12th, 2013 by Marc CommentsYet another epic installment of the Following the Nerd LIVE Radio Show with your host Marc and his partner in crime, Saxon. On tonight’s show we’ll be talking to Jake, the artist on How To Speak Droid, How To Speak Wookiee and the graphic novel, Hellraisers. We’ll also be bringing you Saxon’s exclusive interview with […]

LISTEN: It’s episode 78 of The Following the Nerd Podcast – “And a lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths.”
November 7th, 2013 by Marc CommentsOn this week’s show Marc and Saxon talk about the latest news from the world of Doctor Who as the 50th anniversary gets ever closer.
And we speculate on just what Ghostbusters Mass Hysteria is. Game? Book? It’s anyone’s guess… and guess we do.

LISTEN: It’s episode 77 of Following the Nerd Podcast – “One, don’t you ever touch me again. Two, don’t you ever touch me again.”
October 28th, 2013 by Marc CommentsMarc and Saxon are back on the air waves talking Nerd and nutty! On this week’s show we’re joined in the studio by Ruth Strong, one of our few – but precious – female Nerds, or Nerdettes who will no doubt be keeping the guys in line. Sort of. We’ll be talking about all the […]

LISTEN: It’s episode 76 of Following the Nerd Podcast – “Well, personally, I kinda wanna slay the dragon. Let’s go to work.”
October 21st, 2013 by Marc CommentsOn this week’s show we’ll be joined in the studio by Gavin McCumiskey the creator of Green Monkey Comics, the newest comic house to come out of Ireland. We may even have an extra guest lurking in the background…

WIN! A copy of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Seasons 1-5 on Blu-ray or DVD
October 10th, 2013 by Marc 4 CommentsFancy winning all 108 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Bluray or DVD? Then click the link…

DVD/BLURAY REVIEW: FTN reviews Star Wars: The Clones Wars Season 5
October 10th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher 1 CommentCan the final season of The Clone Wars live up to the promise of past episodes? Big Phil checks it out…

LISTEN: It’s episode 69 of our podcast: Star Wars Celebration Round-up: “It’s a trap!”
August 7th, 2013 by Marc CommentsWe’re back and recovering from Star Wars Celebration Europe II and oh my… the stories we have

Special screening of the Darth Maul Clone Wars story arc announced for Celebration Europe
June 27th, 2013 by Marc CommentsAs if I needed another reason to be jealous of those in attendance!

The FTN & Empire Talks Back Star Wars Special: ‘Look sir, droids!’
May 4th, 2013 by Marc CommentsIt’s international Star Wars Day and we bring you the latest podcast packed with Star Wars guests! Stephen Stanton, Consetta Parker, Randy Martinez and Jeffrey Brown all join us to talk about the greatest Saga in fandom….

BOOK REVIEW: FTN reviews Star Wars: Book Of Sith by Daniel Wallace
April 9th, 2013 by Marc CommentsAt last we can reveal ourselves to the Jedi… A book to teach us the ancient secrets of the Sith? Yes please! But does it deliver?
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