It’s hard to write a Bioshock Infinite review without spoiling anything. It would be a real shame for some of the wonderful experiences in this game to be ruined by a reviewer and I promise I will try my hardest not to succumb to this. Bioshock Infinite is not unlike its predecessors, it […]
Posts Tagged ‘game of the year’

Bioshock Infinite Review: Is it up in the clouds or a soggy affair?
April 7th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments
FTN’s Top Video Games Of 2012
January 7th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsSo another year has ended and what a year it was. Gaming on FTN has really taken off in the last couple of months and is set to grow over the coming year. Both myself and Adam (StealthBuda) hope you had an awesome year and continue to follow our gaming news in the coming year. […]
Nerd Comments