Wow, the first show of 2014! and we have a busy review of 2013 for you guys!
Marc and Stephen look back over what made our year, what we loved and what we didn’t.
Posts Tagged ‘jj abrams’

Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep85 “You just summoned a succubus from Hell!”
January 5th, 2014 by Marc Comments
Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep84 the 2013 Christmas Special – “I had to come to prison to be a crook.”
December 23rd, 2013 by Marc CommentsMarc is back on the airwaves with his partner in crime, Saxon and we’ll be joined by Stuart and Alan too, all being well…. Although nothing can top last week’s Hobbit review, we’ll try to entertain you all with the last show of 2013… and it’s the Christmas Special! Yay! So, on top of […]

Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep 83 – “Don’t worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I’m not going to end this 17 times.”
December 18th, 2013 by Marc CommentsIt’s another epic installment of the Following the Nerd Show with your host Marc and his partner in crime, co-host Saxon. On tonight’s show we’ll be talking to John O’Brien, the author of the New World series of books. We’ll also be covering all the latest news from the world of games, movies, TV, comics […]

Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep 82 – “Why do you people always question? Why ask why, when *how* is so much more fun? “
December 13th, 2013 by Marc CommentsThe one where Marc takes a night off’ Yes, you read the right, this week on the show it’s an FTN first as Marc takes the night off… well, almost. So your host this week is the one and only Stephen or, as you know him, Saxon and he’s joined by the FTN classy […]

Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep 81 – “Not all those who wander are lost.”
December 12th, 2013 by Marc CommentsYet another epic installment of the Following the Nerd LIVE Radio Show with your host Marc and his partner in crime, Saxon. On tonight’s show we’ll be talking to Jake, the artist on How To Speak Droid, How To Speak Wookiee and the graphic novel, Hellraisers. We’ll also be bringing you Saxon’s exclusive interview with […]

Star Trek 3 Beams up three writers
December 7th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsPatrick McKay and J.D. Payne join the returning Roberto Orci

Bay talks Transformers 4 and Abrams talks Star Trek Into Darkness ‘mishandling’
December 3rd, 2013 by Marc CommentsTwo very different directors feel that things weren’t handled properly in the past…

Listen: The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep 80 – THE SIGN on the back of the car said “Critters Of HOLLYWOOD”.
November 27th, 2013 by Marc CommentsOn this week’s show we’ll be talking to the one and only Mr Erik Burnham, the man behind IDW’s phenomenal relaunch of Ghostbusters and who continues, to this day, to write the boys in grey as well as Aykroyd and Raimis.

JJ Abrams looking to fill military officer role for Star Wars: Episode VII
November 26th, 2013 by Marc CommentsThe wanted actor needs to be their 40s, says the Hollywood Reporter

Star Wars Round-up: Hamill still not involved? Gillard not back? First cast member confirmed
November 20th, 2013 by Marc CommentsAll the latest news from the world of Star Wars Episode VII

First Star Wars: Episode VII behind-the-scenes pic
November 15th, 2013 by Marc CommentsIs this confirmation R2-D2 is signed up?

Star Wars: Episode VII to hit theaters on December 18th, 2015!
November 7th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsShooting is scheduled to begin spring 2014 at Pinewood Studios

LISTEN: It’s episode 78 of The Following the Nerd Podcast – “And a lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths.”
November 7th, 2013 by Marc CommentsOn this week’s show Marc and Saxon talk about the latest news from the world of Doctor Who as the 50th anniversary gets ever closer.
And we speculate on just what Ghostbusters Mass Hysteria is. Game? Book? It’s anyone’s guess… and guess we do.

Two lead roles revealed in open casting call for a Disney film
November 6th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsIs this Star Wars: Episode VII?

JJ Abrams talks about putting the mystery back into Star Wars
November 5th, 2013 by Marc CommentsSo what direction can we expect the new movies to go it? JJ has clearly given it some though… thankfully

RUMOR: Has Chiwetel Ejiofor been cast in Star Wars: Episode VII?
November 4th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher 2 CommentsThe actor is asked how he would respond to being offered a role in Star Wars.

LISTEN: It’s episode 77 of Following the Nerd Podcast – “One, don’t you ever touch me again. Two, don’t you ever touch me again.”
October 28th, 2013 by Marc CommentsMarc and Saxon are back on the air waves talking Nerd and nutty! On this week’s show we’re joined in the studio by Ruth Strong, one of our few – but precious – female Nerds, or Nerdettes who will no doubt be keeping the guys in line. Sort of. We’ll be talking about all the […]

J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan announced as Star Wars: Episode VII Screenwriters
October 24th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher 1 CommentMichael Arndt is no longer involved

New promo for JJ Abrams’ Almost Human
October 23rd, 2013 by Marc CommentsThe futuristic detective series stars Karl Urban and Michael Ealy

Michael Giacchino to score Star Wars Rebels?
October 18th, 2013 by Marc CommentsJJ Abrams is also rumoured to have been writing the theme tune for the animated show
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