Posts Tagged ‘star trek’

I didn’t want to make Star Trek Into Darkness 3D: Abrams

January 12th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

But has Abrams warmed to the idea?

UPDATED: JJ Abrams to grant a Trek fan’s dying Wish? Best story of the festive season. Fan saw movie before passing away.

January 6th, 2013 by Marc Comments

It would seem that JJ Abrams (left) is set to make a terminally ill Star Trek fan’s dream come through…

INTERVIEW: FTN interviews Star Trek: The Next Generation writer Melinda Snodgrass

January 2nd, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher 2 Comments

Melinda M Snodgrass is a writer best known for her work in science fiction in print and television. She wrote the classic Next Generation episode The Measure of a Man. The Nerd caught up with Melinda recently to discuss her career.