It’s not the sort of credits scene we’re used to
Posts Tagged ‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to feature an X-Men: Days of Future Past clip during credits
April 16th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher Comments
WATCH: Final X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer drops!
April 16th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher Comments“In the beginning, the Sentinels were just targeting mutants. Then they began targeting everyone.”

WATCH: MTV reveals the opening scene of X-Men: Days of Future Past
April 14th, 2014 by Marc Commentsa pretty epic battle… that really left us wanting more at FTN HQ.

X-Men: Days of Future Past new viral site is a beauty
April 14th, 2014 by Marc CommentsThe Days of Future Past movie offers a very different history and it is dark and scary… if you’re a mutant

Magneto, Quicksilver, Storm and more featured in new stills for X-Men: Days of Future Past
April 13th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsX-Men: Days of Future Past is set to be released in theaters on May 22nd, 2014 in the UK and May 23rd in the US

Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg tease more details about X-Men: Apocalypse!
April 11th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher Comments“[The movie] won’t necessarily create an alternate universe But there may be some swapping things that I’m playing with.”

UPDATED: New posters for X-Men: Days of Future Past
April 4th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsOnce again Wolverine is front and center

WATCH: New X-Men: Days of Future Past TV spot
March 31st, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher Comments“Are we destined to destroy each other, or can we change who we are and unite? Is the future truly set?

WATCH: New X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer hits!
March 24th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsA new poster too!

RUMOR: Kelsey Grammer reprising his Beast role in X-Men: Days of Future Past?
March 20th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsHis Beast was one of the best parts of X-Men: The Last Stand

Bryan Singer addresses rumors of Storm’s part being cut down in X-Men: Days of Future Past
March 17th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsFans of Ororo Munroe have no need to worry

New X-Men: Days of Future Past image, second trailer coming soon
March 12th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsA huge Jackman tweet says we should expect a surprise March 24th

New HD images from X-Men: Days of Future Past released
February 22nd, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsHopefully means a new trailer is coming soon

Nicholas Hoult reveals some details on Beast’s new look in X-Men: Days of Future Past
February 21st, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher Comments“It’s become slightly smaller makeup, there’s a bit more of my face underneath it. So yeah, it’s a different design and slightly cooler than the last one as well in terms of heat.”

X-Men: Days of Future Past releases five new images
February 19th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsMystique takes aim among others

X-Men: Days of Future Past’s official site reveals new character photos!
February 19th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsFrom both timelines

X-Men: Days of Future Past new images and bios
February 19th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsBut where’s some more footage?

LOOKING AHEAD: What movies have us excited for 2014?
February 6th, 2014 by Andrew McCarroll CommentsThe summer is nowhere near here yet… but the summer season kicks off in February it seems… buckle up bone head, you’re going for a ride

WATCH: Short International trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past
February 5th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsWhile we await a new full trailer

Peter Dinklage and Bryan Singer talk Bolivar Trask in Days of Future Past
February 4th, 2014 by Marc CommentsPeter Dinklage and Bryan Singer talk Bolivar Trask in Days of Future Past: With everyone being preoccupied with mutants and sentinels in the upcoming Days Of Future Past, it is easy to forget that Bolivar Trask is the lynchpin the movie revolves around and mustn’t be underestimated…
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