Agent Carter Season 2 Will Have Howard Stark?

July 7th, 2015 by Todd Black Comments

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So, Agent Carter got renewed, and work is underway for the second season. I’m really grateful, cause I loved this show. If you haven’t already, you can look up my review of the first season!

Anyway, with season one in the books, it’s time for Agent Carter Season 2 to go bigger and better than the first. But when the synopsis dropped for the second season, many were wondering how many of the season one characters (outside of Peggy) would return.

We’ve already received confirmation that James D’Arcy, who plays Howard Stark’s butler Edwin Jarvis, and Enver Gjokaj, SSR Agent Daniel Sousa, would be returning as series regulars for season 2. And rumors of other characters, but nothing is confirmed.

One key role that popped up in Season 1 was none other than Howard Stark, played by Dominic Cooper. Would he return once again in Season 2? Well, during an interview with Den Of Geek, Hayley Atwell made it seem that way.

“I’ve not started work on it yet, but it’s been written. I do know that, one thing they have decided, is that it’s going to be set a year later. So it’s 1947, it’s going to be set in L.A., and I keep on thinking about L.A. Confidential, that kind of film noir, which would be great. And I think there will be a new romantic interest, um, and then I think there might also be… Well, there will be, repetition of characters. So Jarvis and Howard will be there with us again. Yeah, we can’t have a show without those guys.”

Interesting! And while things can certainly change, it appears that the Stark name will appear in both movies and TV shows once more.

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!