Earlier today some images began popping up around Facebook, which were alleged screenshots from a Day of The Doctor trailer.
The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Zone, among other fan pages, was then swamped by Whovians calling the images “Fake”, with some pointing out that the shot of Matt Smith was clearly taken from this years episode “The Crimson Horror”. All of the images have since been removed from the social networking site.
The trailer was said to contain shots of John Hurts mystery Doctor standing in a fiery vortex referred to as The Moment, Rose Tyler falling as the ground crumbles from below her feet, The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors together in the Tardis and The Doctors beloved time ship engaged in a spectacular dog fight with hundreds of Dalek saucers above the skies of Gallifrey. It all sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Thats probably because it is, being nothing more than a bit of fun fan-fiction. We reckon.
The Day of The Doctor, if you somehow didn’t know, will be simulcast across the globe this November 23rd. Check out the awesome 50 Years trailer below –
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