When Hollywood either run out of original ideas, or merely see reboots as inevitably cash cows due to an already built in and established fan base, the innocent nostalgia of 80s movies will rise from a cache of 30-somethings’ Blu-ray collections, only to suffer the reboot treatment, and take over the big screens again.
We have seen this lately with reboots of classics like Total Recall, RoboCop, Frigh Night and the upcoming Escape From New York all getting the remake treatment. This begs the question – are any of our beloved 80s films truly safe in this day in age?! …it certainly doesn’t seem so!
Twentieth Century Fox were reportedly looking to remake the 1988 classic Big starring Tom Hanks, and the were interested in a pitch for a movie titled Premature Maturation. It was described as Big meets The Hangover, with the main difference being a group of friends accidently being transformed into adults and embarking on a serious of madcap adventures, as opposed to just one kid becoming an adult.
Despite Premature Maturation not making past pre-production stages, it seems that Fox has never quite given up on the prospect of releasing a Big remake.
Subsequently, TheWrap reported that Kevin Biegel and Mike Royce (Enlisted) have now successfully pitched a series that is loosely based on Big to Fox Television Studios: [Premature Maturation] will “explore what it means to be an adult and what it means to be a kid, and how in today’s world those two things are more confused than ever.”
Big starred Tom Hanks playing the 30 year-old alter ego of a child who makes a wish to an eerie mechanical fortune teller at an amusement park to make him Big. He eventually finds a dream job getting paid for testing toys, but ultimately decides that he has been drawn too far into adulthood.
We will keep you updated on whether the series gets any closer to production that their last effort Premature Maturation.
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