Doctor Who Round-up: Back to the big screen, new companions and… Tom Hanks?

November 15th, 2015 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

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It’s the time of year where soon we can look forward to sitting round the fire eating a lovely dinner and watching Doctor Who. This year however there is the possibility of a different scenario. Instead of turkeys, popcorn and instead of a lovely food covered table, reclined seating Doctor Who is also heading for the big screen.

BBC Worldwide North America have announced that Doctor Who will return to the big screens for two nights on December 28th and December 29th. The screening will feature an exclusive interview with cast member Alex Kingston, who is reprising her role as River Song. There will also be a 15 minute behind-the-scenes video starring Peter capaldi, Steven Moffat and many more actors from the episode, most likely including Kingston and Jenna Coleman as well. This screening will be two single episodes and not a two part episode, so only one screening is needed to experience the episode and all its extras

This news may be from the USA but it’s highly likely the BBC would not pass up an opportunity to air it in other countries also. To those in the USA here is the events page.

The Christmas special’s storyline is simple: It’s Christmas Day in the future and the TARDIS is parked on a snowy village street, covered in icicles, awaiting its next adventure. Time traveler River Song meets her husband’s new incarnation, in the form of Peter Capaldi, for the first time this Christmas. (Continues after pic)


The Christmas special will not only see the return of River Song (above) but could also see The Doctor’s companion Clara Oswald leaving.  It’s not yet clear whether this will be Coleman’s last appearance – as some have said she may leave before Christmas –  or if she’ll not appear at all.

What it does do it allow us all to ask, who would make a good companion for the doctor?

Capaldi has his views. In a recent interview with Radio Times, he commented on the doctor and the companion relationship. “I think it’s good that the Doctor can be quite dark, sometimes, but you need someone to draw him out of that, and also to throw that into contrast.”

Over the years several companions have made the doctor think about something or change his mind about another. It was in the 50th Anniversary episode when Clara made The Doctor save Gallifrey instead of destroying it.

Capaldi went to express a desire to return to the roots of the new series’. “I’ve always loved what Russell did with Billie Piper, [who played Rose Tyler in the show]. Because you hadn’t really had in Doctor Who a very clear, working-class voice. And I liked how Billie was very clearly someone who lived on an estate, and was a normal person… I always like it when they have companions who reflect the real world – which Jenna does, because she’s from Blackpool. You can’t get more real-world than Blackpool!”

It is possible that the next companion could also be male, breaking the norm of Doctor Who. There have been male companions over the years Micky, Captain Jack and Rory for example but they were always with the main female companion in some way.

Capaldi did actually comment on this scenario, but his answer was ultimately predictable: “I just think that combo of the slightly strange and alien Time Lord with the intelligent, enthusiastic and inquisitive girl is a good combo.” He said. “I don’t know why – but it just seems to work.”

A male companion would be a mix up, yes, but ultimately there does need to be the opposing forces playing on each other. I’d expect a male companion for a female doctor. I’m not sure though. It could go incredibly well and be similar to the much loved relationship of Sherlock and Watson. I can definitely see that happening if it did. However that could make it too much like Sherlock and that could go badly.

Whoever the next companion is he will not only need to get the approval of Capaldi but of the audience as well.

I’m personally backing Maisie Williams as the next companion. The two are very opposed in their outlook on things and I think both will have a strange sense of common immortality about them. With Maisie on Game of Thrones though it is unlikely she will become a common face on Doctor Who… but it is possible.

It’s not a lie that Doctor Who does have its fair share of famous faces cropping up here and there. Maisie Williams isn’t the only member of Game of Thrones to appear. Fellow cast member Diana Rigg has also appeared. There have also been many famous British faces showing themselves: Frank Skinner, Olivia Coleman, Lee Evans, Rufus Hound, Michael Gambon and many more all have had a role. Even Sir Ian Mckellen’s voice appeared as the Great Intelligence; and let’s not forget the moment Kylie Minogue appeared in ‘Voyage of the Damned’.

It seems though that Capaldi, and some of the producers for that matter, have their eyes set for the stars.

In an interview on Good Morning Britain, Peter Capaldi explained how he had asked Hollywood legend Tom Hanks to make an appearance in the show: “I was working with Tom Hanks last night and the producer was on to me saying, ‘Try and persuade Tom to come and be in the show’. I did have a word with him but he is very busy at the moment.”

Since Matt Smith left, there has been a drop off in American audience numbers; this could be a way of getting it back.

Hanks isn’t the only one that the Doctor Who actor is eager to get a hold of: “I think it would be good to have some rock stars,” he added. “I’d like to see Keith Richards or David Bowie.”

The Rock Doctor with Rock legends would make an interesting meet up. However, regardless of how much I’d love to see this, I know it isn’t suitable for Doctor Who. His use of the guitar is clearly ‘mid-life-crisis’ esque  but to add in the likes of Bowie and Richards is clearly taking it a bit too far.

The Christmas Special will appear on Christmas Day on BBC One.

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.