After his departure from Star Trek: Discovery and American Gods, we were wondering what Bryan Fuller was up to these days. The creator of such whimsical fayre as Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me and (ahem) Hannibal seemed to have gone quiet for a while.
But now we know. Fuller is working on the pilot script for a TV version of Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles series for Paramount. A recent interview with Paramount TV president Amy Powell saw her drop this little nugget of information:
“Bryan Fuller is working with Anne Rice and Chris, who are writing the pilot. We are hoping he chooses to stay on and potentially showrun.”
Christopher Rice recently confirmed the appointment via The Vampire Chronicles’ official Facebook page with this post:
Hopefully Fuller is going to stay for the duration on this one. Even with talk over the possible revival of Hannibal by Starz or Netflix, this is a project that fits very neatly into Fuller’s wheelhouse. No word on a start date just yet, but rest assured, you’ll know when we do.
Source: io9
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