Fans of Mike Myers will recall his 1993 (I’m so old!) movie, So, I Married and Axe Murderer (his best movie, come at me) in which Myers played several roles, the best of which was the father of Charlie, the main character.
Charlie’s father was Scottish and cared not a jot about what he said or to whom and in one of the movie’s best scenes, he talks about how a secret group of the world’s most powerful five families – including KFC’s Colonel Saunders – called The Pentaverate ruled the planet:
Anyway, Myers, going full meta, coming full circle etc, is now starring in a limited Netflix series about these five families in which he stars as, it seems, several people. It’s a fun idea and I would love to see him make a triumphant return… I’m just not entirely sold on this trailer being just that.
Anyway, the show hits this day next month on Netflix and I’ll certainly be checking it out because I’m an optimist, me.
What do you think? Let me know, gang.
After influencing global events for centuries, a secret society faces a dangerous threat from within. Can a Canadian reporter save them — and the world?
Starring: Mike Myers, Lydia West & Richard McCabe
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