So, remember Star Wars Detours? The animated comedy series that was being developed before Disney came along and consequently has never aired? well, we have a few new details about it that sound fun.
Firstly, on the latest episode of The George Lucas Talk Show with Weird Al Yankovic (here), it was revealed that Lucasfilm was already developing the show’s third season, which is almost unheard of. It was also revealed that Yankovic, best known for his Star Wars songs such as My, My Little Anakin Guy and The Saga Begins, was developing a Star Wars musical that would have been running throughout the show before being told the plug was pulled.
It’s interesting because it means that Yankovich, a true Star Wars nerd, was almost Star Wars canon, well, sort of.
Speaking of Star Wars: Detours, last year a full episode of the series leaked and, I have to admit, I missed it. SO, in case you too haven’t seen it, the episode if below and it’s called Dog Day Afternoon.
Originally the series was supposed to air in 2013, almost a decade ago, and despite my previous belief that the show was a clip show, it seems that no, each episode was a self-contained episode as we see here with 4-LOM and Zuckuss attempting to rob Dex’s Diner.
Seth Green says Disney believes fans don’t want to see Star Wars: Detours
As many of the gags hit as miss and, honestly, it’s pretty much what I expected but I will say this, I’d still like to see the whole series. It’s sitting somewhere, it’s finished, Lucasfilm/Disney should drop it on Disney+ and let the fans have it… I know quite a few people who would love that.
Thoughts on Detours and Weird Al Yankovich almost being Star Wars canon?
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