Following on from my recent report that a Scream game was in the works (here), it seems we now have some potentially exciting news about just what it might be about.
So, the game, dubbed Scream: The Video Game is reportedly being developed by Supermassive Games and, if the new rumours from Beyond the Mask are to be believed, an official announcement is coming this month.
But, much more exciting, we may have now learned some details of the game’s story and where it takes place in the Scream universe(s).
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“The game will follow a story pattern, which will see players take on the role of a victim/survivor in a decision-based format.” goes the new report, “But the game will receive several modes and one of those modes will allow survivors to take on the role as one of the killers and play out certain narratives from the killer’s perspective.”
However, the part that really got my attention was this: “[the game] won’t follow a timeline set within the Scream movies universe, It is apparently going to be going back before the events of 1996, and could serve as a prequel to the origins of the Ghostface mask.”
On how this would work, Beyond the Mask’s source, said that it would be similar to Danny Johnson’s Ghostface in the game Dead By Daylight (which isn’t canon in any way, but just a fun addition to the game): “[the game] sets the backstory in 1993 and Danny Johnson is this serial killer who stalks his victims and places himself working within the press so he can control the narrative in what the town of Roseville, where the story is set, thinks about the situation.
“He creates this huge panic amongst them as he continues to murder people and uses his position as a journalist as a way to report the murders and make himself more famous.”
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I’m conflicted on this, to be honest.
Firstly, I would love a Scream game, there are so many possibilities in a story like this, and a prequel could work well – it’s well established in the movies that there was a story before what we see on screen and playing that could be fun (the mask doesn’t need explaining, it was revealed in the first movie it was just a dimestore Halloween costume, so let’s not mess with that) but we also know that in-universe, Roman Bridger, played by Scott Foley in Scream 3, was the one who convinced Billy and Stu, the killers in the first movie, to go on their murderous spree… that’s a story we could definitely enjoy seeing play out.
Also, over the years there have been rumors that Scream 2 killer Mickey Altieri, played by Timothy Olyphant, was potentially a serial killer before he met Mrs Loomis and decided to put on the mask, so that’s a potential story too.
Basically, there’s a lot of story that can be told before we meet Sidney Prescott, so if the developers are going to set it in that world – and I hope they can – they better make the story a good one.
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