Oh, what could have been… we really missed out on this one, it seems
Posts Tagged ‘batfleck’

Jay Olivia says Affleck’s cancelled Batman movie would have been “f@#king awesome!”
August 21st, 2023 by Marc Comments
Kevin Smith confirms Mallrats 2 WILL be his next movie
April 7th, 2015 by Marc CommentsThe Mall will be open sooner than expected…

FEATURE: Feel the wrath of Nerd rage – even if it is a little, em, premature
September 17th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher 1 CommentOur man Jonny looks at all the hate for Ben Affleck as Batman and the Robocop 2014 trailer and wonders if this is a worrying turn of events…

WATCH: Ben Affleck talks about being cast as Batman
September 17th, 2013 by Marc CommentsHow does he feel about being cast as the world’s greatest detective… well, how would you feel?

LISTEN: All new Nerd Herders Podcast (06/09/13)
September 6th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsLISTEN: ALL NEW NERD HERDERS: This week the Nerds bring news about the casting of Ultron in Avengers 2, DC Movie news, Firefly’s new home with Dark Horse Comics, a brief rundown of some of the guests announced for NYCC 2013 plus more Bat-fleck news

LISTEN: All new Nerd Herders Podcast (30/08/13)
August 30th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsLISTEN: All new Nerd Herders: This week the guys discuss Microsoft’s FAQ regarding the switch from Xbox Points to currency and how it will or won’t affect you, WWE 2K14 video game news and the bombshell of the week from DC/WB: Ben Affleck as Batman
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