The BBC has confirmed that both David Tennant and Billie Piper will appear in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary story.
The news was leaked when subscribers to the Doctor Who Magazine received their copies of the latest issue some five days before its release date next Thursday. It contains news of the return of the tenth Doctor and Rose and it quickly spread. The question remaining now is exactly which version we will see again. Will it be the alternate universe couple where the Doctor is now half human and cannot regenerate or will be dip back into the days of the loved up couple travelling across the universe?
Add to that Matt Smith’s cryptic clue of paintings, could it be parts of the Doctor’s past is trapped within actual paintings, allowing him to go back across his own life?
Finally, is the news that John Hurt, of Alien, Merlin and Elephant Man fame will also appear but as what? Is he the big villain of the piece or something more? No matter what the truth, filming starts next week and we could really be facing a multi-Doctor story despite the denials. Tick tock goes the clock indeed.
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