Andrew Garfield talks Sinister Six and why Amazing Spider-man 3 didn’t quite work

September 12th, 2014 by Marc 2 Comments

With the Amazing Spider-man franchise taking a bit of a hammering after the second movie was blasted by many critics and fans – personally, I really like it but that’s neither here nor there – there’s a lot of people wondering what is happening with the movies still to come out, principally Amazing Spider-man 3 & 4 and The Sinister Six AND Venom.

Well, Spider-man actor Andrew Garfield does know a bit about them and told The Toronto Sun: “I know more than I’m allowed to say right now.” Garfield said.

“I can say I’m really excited about Drew Goddard, who’s going to be writing and directing The Sinister Six movie. And whether I’m involved in that or not is kind of immaterial.

“I don’t know if I should say anything right now. But Drew is really exciting. Did you see Cabin in the Woods? Did you like it?”

When the paper admits they did like it but wished so much of it hadn’t been revealed before release, Garfield said: “Exactly. Hence, me not telling you s— about that.”

So it looks like it hasn’t been decided if Spider-man will feature in the movie or ig, as has been rumoured before, it will focus on the Sinister Six and not their mutual enemy at all.

As for the Venom movie, Darkhorizons are reporting that Alex Kurtzman said it will have a different tone: “The idea is that you can do things with Venom that you can’t do with Spider-Man. Venom is the representation of every line that will get crossed. He’s a much darker character.”

On the future of Amazing Spider-man movie he added: “I think as long as it keeps staying true to character, and true to who Peter is, and putting him in interesting and complicated situations, it’ll survive. Because it’s so beloved – everybody loves Spider-Man.”

Regarding the negative reviews of Amazing Spider-man 2, Garfield seems keen to lay some of the blame at the studio’s door. He told The Daily Beast : “I read a lot of the reactions from people and I had to stop because I could feel I was getting away from how I actually felt about it. For me, I read the script that Alex [Kurtzman] and Bob [Orci] wrote, and I genuinely loved it. There was this thread running through it.

“I think what happened was, through the pre-production, production, and post-production, when you have something that works as a whole, and then you start removing portions of it – because there was even more of it than was in the final cut, and everything was related.

“Once you start removing things and saying, ‘No, that doesn’t work,’ then the thread is broken, and it’s hard to go with the flow of the story. Certain people at the studio had problems with certain parts of it, and ultimately the studio is the final say in those movies because they’re the tentpoles, so you have to answer to those people.

“I’ll tell you this. Talking about the experience as opposed to how it was perceived, I got to work in deep scenes that you don’t usually see in comic book movies, and I got to explore this orphan boy – a lot of which was taken out, and which we’d explored more. It’s interesting to do a postmortem. I’m proud of a lot of it and had a good time, and was a bit taken aback by the response.

“It’s a discernment thing. What are the people actually saying? What’s underneath the complaint, and how can we learn from that? We can’t go, ‘Oh God, we [frick]ed up because all these people are saying all these things. It’s sh-t.’ We have to ask ourselves, ‘What do we believe to be true?’

“Is it that this is the fifth Spider-Man movie in however many years, and there’s a bit of fatigue? Is it that there was too much in there? Is it that it didn’t link? If it linked seamlessly, would that be too much? Were there tonal issues? What is it? I think all that is valuable. 

“Constructive criticism is different from people just being dicks, and I love constructive criticism. Hopefully, we can get underneath what the criticism was about, and if we missed anything.”

Clearly Garfield has been very aware of the criticism for the movie, but his passion seems very genuine. I think Spidey is in safe hands and although the sequel wasn’t loved universally, we at FTN are confident big things lie ahead for the Webslinger and his colourful villains.


Marc is a self-confessed nerd. Ever since seeing Star Wars for the first time around 1979 he’s been an unapologetic fan of the Wars and still believes, with Clone Wars and now Underworld, we are yet to see the best Star Wars. He’s a dad of two who now doesn’t have the time (or money) to collect the amount of toys, comics, movies and books he once did, much to the relief of his long-suffering wife. In the real world he’s a graphic designer. He started Following the Nerd because he was tired of searching a million sites every day for all the best news that he loves and decided to create one place where you can go to get the whole lot. Secretly he longs to be sitting in the cockpit of his YT-1300 Corellian Transport ship with his co-pilot Chewie, roaming the universe, waiting for his next big adventure, but feels just at home watching cartoons with his kids….