Ok, any of you going to SDCC? Oh, you lucky, lucky people…
It looks like Aliens fans are in got a real treat on Saturday, July 23rd as director James Cameron, and star Sigourney Weaver will join producer Gale Anne Hurd, and actors Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen, Paul Reiser, Michael Biehn and Carrie Henn in the near legendary Hall H for a 30th Anniversary Q&A.
Aaaagh! We really wish we weren’t on the other side of the planet because this sounds like it could be amazing!
Oh top of that, with Weaver working with director Neill Blomkamp on a fifth Aliens movie it has been confirmed now that it will indeed – if and when it happens – remove David Fincher’s Alien 3 (1992) and Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s Alien: Resurrection(1997) from the series’ continuity: “It’s just as if, you know, the path forks and one direction goes off to three and four and another direction goes off to Neill’s movie,” Weaver says.
Woah… so, like Superman Returns ignored Superman III and Superman IV, it seems if this movie happens we’ll have two alternative Alien timelines – a sort of Aliens Earth One and Earth Two if you like.
While we are all in favour of a new Aliens movie we aren’t sure how we feel about this. Are Alien 3 and Resurrection really so bad they need forgetting? Let us know your thoughts.
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